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Sociology Bachelor's Degrees in Ohio

Ohio Sociology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 43 Ohio schools providing sociology bachelor's degrees, and Ohio State University is the best option.

Check all Ohio schools awarding sociology bachelor's degrees and sociology & anthropology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other sociology & anthropology major or diploma.

OH sociology bachelor's degree schools:

Ohio State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
1. Ohio State University

Located in Columbus

Case Western Reserve University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Oberlin College - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
3. Oberlin College

Located in Oberlin

Miami University Oxford - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Cincinnati - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
5. University of Cincinnati

Located in Cincinnati

Bowling Green State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
6. Bowling Green State University

Located in Bowling Green

Ohio University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
7. Ohio University

Located in Athens

Cleveland State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
8. Cleveland State University

Located in Cleveland

Kent State University at Kent - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Dayton - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
10. University of Dayton

Located in Dayton

Kenyon College - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
11. Kenyon College

Located in Gambier

University of Toledo - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
12. University of Toledo

Located in Toledo

University of Akron - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
13. University of Akron

Located in Akron

Wright State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Xavier University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
15. Xavier University

Located in Cincinnati

Capital University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
16. Capital University

Located in Columbus

Ohio Northern University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Otterbein University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
18. Otterbein University

Located in Westerville

Franciscan University of Steubenville - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
John Carroll University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
20. John Carroll University

Located in University Heights

Youngstown State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
21. Youngstown State University

Located in Youngstown

Walsh University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
22. Walsh University

Located in North Canton

Wittenberg University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
23. Wittenberg University

Located in Springfield

Mount Saint Joseph University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
The College of Wooster - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
25. The College of Wooster

Located in Wooster

Baldwin Wallace University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Mount Union - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Ohio Wesleyan University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
28. Ohio Wesleyan University

Located in Delaware

Ohio Dominican University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Shawnee State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
30. Shawnee State University

Located in Portsmouth

Muskingum University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
31. Muskingum University

Located in New Concord

Wilberforce University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
32. Wilberforce University

Located in Wilberforce

Kent State University at Stark - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
33. Kent State University

Located in North Canton

Ohio University Eastern - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
34. Ohio University Eastern

Located in Saint Clairsville

Ohio University Zanesville - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
35. Ohio University Zanesville

Located in Zanesville

Central State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
36. Central State University

Located in Wilberforce

Ohio University Lancaster - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
37. Ohio University Lancaster

Located in Lancaster

Ohio University Chillicothe - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
38. Ohio University Chillicothe

Located in Chillicothe

Kent State University at Ashtabula - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
39. Kent State University

Located in Ashtabula

Ohio University Southern - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Hiram College - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
41. Hiram College

Located in Hiram

Bluffton University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
42. Bluffton University

Located in Bluffton

Ohio State University Mansfield - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking

Other sociology & anthropology bachelor's degrees in OH:

Anthropology: 1 school

Other sociology diplomas in OH:

Certificates: 2 schools
Associate's Degrees: 7 schools
Master's Degrees: 9 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 7 schools

Ohio sociology & anthropology schools by city:

Ada: 1 school
Akron: 1 school
Alliance: 1 school
Ashtabula: 1 school
Athens: 1 school
Berea: 1 school
Bluffton: 1 school
Bowling Green: 1 school
Celina: 1 school
Chillicothe: 1 school
Cincinnati: 3 schools
Cleveland: 2 schools
Columbus: 3 schools
Dayton: 3 schools
Delaware: 1 school
Gambier: 1 school
Granville: 1 school
Hiram: 1 school
Ironton: 1 school
Kent: 1 school
Lancaster: 1 school
Mansfield: 1 school
New Concord: 1 school
North Canton: 3 schools
Oberlin: 1 school
Oxford: 1 school
Perrysburg: 1 school
Portsmouth: 1 school
Rio Grande: 1 school
Saint Clairsville: 1 school
Springfield: 1 school
Steubenville: 1 school
Sylvania: 1 school
Toledo: 1 school
University Heights: 1 school
Westerville: 1 school
Wilberforce: 2 schools
Wooster: 1 school
Youngstown: 1 school
Zanesville: 1 school

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