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Sociology Bachelor's Degrees in South Dakota

South Dakota Sociology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 7 South Dakota schools providing sociology bachelor's degrees, and South Dakota State University is the best option.

Check other South Dakota schools awarding sociology bachelor's degrees and sociology & anthropology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other sociology & anthropology major or diploma.

SD sociology bachelor's degree schools:

South Dakota State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of South Dakota - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
2. University of South Dakota

Located in Vermillion

Northern State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
3. Northern State University

Located in Aberdeen

University of Sioux Falls - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
4. University of Sioux Falls

Located in Sioux Falls

Black Hills State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Augustana University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
6. Augustana University

Located in Sioux Falls

Dakota Wesleyan University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking

Sociology bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Grinnell College - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Grinnell College

Located in Grinnell, Iowa

Drake University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Drake University

Located in Des Moines, Iowa

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Iowa - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Iowa

Located in Iowa City, Iowa

Iowa State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Iowa State University

Located in Ames, Iowa

University of Nebraska Lincoln - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Located in Lincoln, Nebraska

University of Wyoming - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Wyoming

Located in Laramie, Wyoming

University of North Dakota - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of North Dakota

Located in Grand Forks, North Dakota

Minnesota State University Mankato - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Minnesota State University Mankato

Located in Mankato, Minnesota

Other sociology diplomas in SD:

Certificates: 1 school
Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

South Dakota sociology & anthropology schools by city:

Aberdeen: 1 school
Brookings: 1 school
Mitchell: 1 school
Sioux Falls: 2 schools
Spearfish: 1 school
Vermillion: 1 school

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