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Sociology Master's Degrees in Kansas

Kansas Sociology Master's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking review contains 3 Kansas schools providing sociology master's degrees, and University of Kansas is the best option.

Check the rest of Kansas schools awarding sociology master's degrees and sociology & anthropology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other sociology & anthropology major or diploma.

KS sociology master's degree schools:

University of Kansas - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
1. University of Kansas

Located in Lawrence

Kansas State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
2. Kansas State University

Located in Manhattan

Wichita State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
3. Wichita State University

Located in Wichita

Sociology master's degrees in nearby states:

University of Colorado Boulder - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Colorado Boulder

Located in Boulder, Colorado

Colorado State University Fort Collins - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Colorado State University Fort Collins

Located in Fort Collins, Colorado

University of Oklahoma Norman - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Oklahoma Norman

Located in Norman, Oklahoma

Washington University in St Louis - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Washington University in St Louis

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

University of Missouri Columbia - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Missouri Columbia

Located in Columbia, Missouri

University of Nebraska Lincoln - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Located in Lincoln, Nebraska

Oklahoma State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Oklahoma State University

Located in Stillwater, Oklahoma

University of Nebraska at Omaha - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Nebraska

Located in Omaha, Nebraska

Saint Louis University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Saint Louis University

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

Oklahoma City University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Oklahoma City University

Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

University of Northern Colorado - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Northern Colorado

Located in Greeley, Colorado

University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Colorado Colorado Springs - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Other sociology diplomas in KS:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 15 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Kansas sociology & anthropology schools by city:

Atchison: 1 school
Baldwin City: 1 school
Emporia: 1 school
Great Bend: 1 school
Hays: 1 school
Lawrence: 1 school
Manhattan: 1 school
McPherson: 1 school
Olathe: 1 school
Ottawa: 1 school
Pittsburg: 1 school
Salina: 1 school
Topeka: 1 school
Wichita: 3 schools

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