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Sociology Master's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Sociology Master's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 2 Wisconsin schools offering sociology master's degrees, and University of Wisconsin Madison is the best option.

Check both Wisconsin schools awarding sociology master's degrees and sociology & anthropology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other sociology & anthropology major or diploma.

WI sociology master's degree schools:

University of Wisconsin Madison - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking

Sociology master's degrees in nearby states:

University of Michigan Ann Arbor - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Purdue University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Purdue University

Located in West Lafayette, Indiana

Michigan State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Michigan State University

Located in East Lansing, Michigan

University of Chicago - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Northwestern University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Northwestern University

Located in Evanston, Illinois

University of Notre Dame - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Notre Dame

Located in Notre Dame, Indiana

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Located in Champaign, Illinois

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Indiana University Bloomington - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Indiana University Bloomington

Located in Bloomington, Indiana

University of Iowa - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Iowa

Located in Iowa City, Iowa

Iowa State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Iowa State University

Located in Ames, Iowa

University of Illinois Chicago - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
University of Illinois Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Loyola University Chicago - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Loyola University Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Wayne State University - Sociology & Anthropology School Ranking
Wayne State University

Located in Detroit, Michigan

Other sociology diplomas in WI:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 20 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Wisconsin sociology & anthropology schools by city:

Ashland: 1 school
Beloit: 1 school
De Pere: 1 school
Eau Claire: 1 school
Kenosha: 2 schools
La Crosse: 1 school
Madison: 2 schools
Milwaukee: 4 schools
Oshkosh: 1 school
Ripon: 1 school
River Falls: 1 school
Stevens Point: 1 school
Superior: 1 school
Waukesha: 1 school
Whitewater: 1 school

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